Join the DBL Studio Network
Register today!

What is the DBL Studio Network?
The DBL Studio Network is a collective of dance studios and groups committed to cultivating inclusive and supportive environments for dancers of all body shapes and sizes. Our network members are devoted to fostering a culture of empowerment by using uplifting language and promoting positive body image within educational settings.
Why should I join the DBL Studio Network?
1. Create a more positive and safe educational environment
2. Parents want to send their children to a studio that promotes body-positivity
3. Cultivate an atmosphere of support, reliability, and evolvement
How to join the DBL Studio Network?
1. Register your studio/group for our network
2. Receive our welcome message with all the information and documents you will need (QR code page, etc.)
3. Receive you QR code page poster via mail and hang it in your studio lobby
4. Research and get involved with extra (non-required) DBL initiatives! (check information packet)
What does it mean to be part of our network?
1. Your studio prioritizes body positivity and promotes a healthy body image through positive language and practices.
2. You display the DBL Studio Network QR code poster in your studio lobby. This QR code is linked to the Body Positivity Pledge Packet, emphasizing your dedication to upholding body positive practices.